
New act/re/act podcast has been released!

Hey all - my new podcast, appropriately called "act/re/act", has been released. The first episode is a wonderful interview with Stephen Nachmanovitch, who is an improvisational-based musician and author of the book, Free Play (see below for full bio) . We get into some of his thoughts on the improvisation process, as well as how he connects improvisation to daily life. It's good stuff - listen to it here or subscribe in iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, or our podcast host Podbean.

Stepnen Nachmanovitch performs and teaches internationally as an improvisational violinist, and at the intersections of music, dance, theater, and multimedia arts. He is the author of Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art. Born in 1950, he graduated in 1971 from Harvard and in 1975 from the University of California, where he earned a Ph.D. in the History of Consciousness for an exploration of William Blake. His mentor was the anthropologist and philosopher Gregory Bateson. He has taught and lectured widely in the United States and abroad on creativity and the spiritual underpinnings of art. In the 1970s he was a pioneer in free improvisation on violin, viola and electric violin. He has presented master classes and workshops at many conservatories and universities, and has had numerous appearances on radio, television, and at music and theater festivals. He has collaborated with other artists in media including music, dance, theater, and film, and has developed programs melding art, music, literature, and computer technology. He has published articles in a variety of vields since 1966, and has created computer software including The World Music Menu and Visual Music Tone Painter. He lives with his family in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is currently performing, recording, teaching, writing, and has completed a new book, Five Minutes Old. 

find more about Stephen Nachmanovitch at http://freeplay.com