• Katie: She so fully stepped into her role this week - it was truly wonderful to watch. A colleague, Elizabeth, commented on what a special performer Katie is and I couldn't agree more. She captured her character's vulnerability, strength and resolve and how these attributes changed or evolved over the course of the 35 minute piece.
• The generosity of my collaborators: We were working on the ending of the first half and felt a section with the rope wasn't working. Not only was Katie (who is in the piece) making suggestions and trying to find a better answer, but Susan and Stephanie were joining in as well. Not sure how we ended up with the solution we ended up with, but it had bits of suggestions from all four of us - developed, riffed and shifted from one to the next.
• After Friday night's show my colleague Ferne mentioning how she appreciated the time events were allowed to fill because it gave her the opportunity to connect her story to the stories we were presenting.
• As we were leaving Friday night one of the ushers came out and asked Susan to sing one of the songs in the show again. After Susan sang a bit, the usher began singing it and dancing around.
• After Saturday's performance, Marcia commenting that she felt the show was a very grown-up work of art. (whew, finally...)
And, mostly, the camaraderie and pleasure to hang, work and create with Susan, Stephanie and Katie for a full week - uninterrupted - a real treat.
If you came to the show I'd love to hear any reactions to had to the work - images that are staying with you, sections that were powerful or poignant, questions you may have, or anything that sticking with you. Thanks!